Weeks Five and Six

In weeks five and six of this program you will work to create a sustainable and productive mindfulness practice regimen that fits your life. During these weeks, you use what you have practiced in the first four weeks of this program to consider what the best quantities, durations, settings, and types of mindfulness practices are best for you in the long-term.

How Can You Best Fit Mindfulness Into Your Day?

Mindfulness meditation is effective when it helps you be happier, healthier, more productive, or some combination of the three. However, in some ways these three can actually be in conflict with one another. For example, spending time on mindfulness during a busy day will reduce the amount of time you have to get work done, even if it makes you happier. But they are not necessarily conflicting in the long-term. Yet if you are able to use mindfulness regularly, you will likely see increases in practical measures as supported by the research. But a key to seeing those benefits is to find the best mindfulness opportunities and practice techniques for you to maximize happiness, health, and productivity.

How Can You Best Use Your Mental Energy Each Day?

If you have a busy schedule it might be hard to find time to practice. Even though research has indicated that mindfulness increases productivity, disrupting the flow of your day to sit down and be mindful can feel very counterintuitive. Taking a break from work might not feel productive, but a quick mindfulness practice or two in the workday can actually help optimize the use of your mental energy. As a reminder, try to take a break at 2 or 3 on the Cognitive Pacing Scale, as it be easier to recover back to 1.

Practice Goals for These Weeks

For these weeks, explore sustainable ways to fit mindfulness into your daily life. Maybe try taking multiple shorter breaks throughout the day, and compare it to longer breaks taken further apart. Maybe try creating a regular schedule for what type of practice you complete at each time of the day, and compare it to just completing whatever practice you are in the mood for. Keep in mind what your goals are with mindfulness, and use what you have learned in the first four weeks of this program to explore how you can best incorporate it into your daily life.

Practice Tracking Sheet

Click this button to download a .pdf file of the tracking sheet pictured below